Packing up before a move with an infant

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imageNo one could call it easy to up sticks and move house when there’s a toddler in tow – and yet, conversely, it’s a time when lots of people do move, precisely because they need more space for their burgeoning family. One good thing about one- to three-year-olds is that they generally haven’t learnt how to ask ‘Are we nearly there yet?’. But apart from that, they can seriously add to the demands and difficulties of relocation. That being said, if you take a few measures and bear the odd thing in mind, you can move house along with your infant without piling extra stress and anguish on to your already-overburdened shoulders. But before you move, you have to pack up. Here are three tips for doing it when you’ve got a toddler.
1. Take care of your own energy levels. If you’re flagging, then it’s going to be harder than it needs to be. Organise your packing up so that it begins gently, well in advance, allowing you to take long breaks not only for your toddler’s sake but also for your own relaxation. Allow time every day for a quiet spell when – even if there’s disarray – you can close your eyes and let your cares fall away for a minimum of ten minutes. Pencil in time to keep doing the fun things you and your baby do together, whether that’s reading picture books or visiting the playground. If your baby has picked upon the disruption of your imminent move, this will restore a feeling of continuity and safety.
2. Toddlers are at that age when they are discovering some degree of mastery of their own environment. It can make them defiant and stubborn little kings and queens. While showering them with presents to keep them sweet isn’t great in the long-term, there are times when a longed-for toy is just the answer. Moving is one of those times. If it gets them to pipe down a bit and become absorbed in something new, it’s money well spent, leaving you some breathing space and a quieter home in which to continue your packing up work.
3. There is absolutely no shame in asking for help or in accepting it when it’s offered. We sometimes underestimate the extent to which others enjoy helping out. It is a bonding experience for both parties. If there are grandparents at hand or friendly neighbours, say ‘yes’ to the help each and every time. Don’t soldier on alone, the noble stoic. That can be a recipe for disaster. Let the people who like and love you assist. Whether it’s for a couple of hours at someone else’s house or an overnight stay with grandma, if your toddler goes away intermittently as you build up to your move, you’ll benefit enormously.

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